Classic Literature Forum

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Event Type:

Book Discussion

Age Group:

Adults, Adults 60+
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 16 to 21+
Allowed Grades: 11th Grade and up

Program Description

Event Details

Library events are always free to the public and you do not need a library card to attend!

The Farmington Community Library has two locations.  This event will be held in Conference Room B at the FCL Farmington Hills location at 32737 W 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334.

Registration Preferred

Each month the group meets to discuss literary works which have stood the "test of time" and are generally considered classics of their genre.  This month the group will be discussing Emma by Jane Austen.  The book will be available at the Library's Information Desks in early August.  First published in 1815 Emma is still widely read.  It looks at the lives and loves of "genteel" people living in Georgian-Regency England (early 1800s.)  The heroine is a spoiled, headstrong, young woman who is oblivious to the chaos she causes within her small community.  The book has been adapted several times for the big screen & television, a modernized version became the 1995 hit movie Clueless


Adults 18+

This event is intended for adults 18+