Classic Literature Forum

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Book Discussion

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Program Description

Event Details

Library events are always free to the public and you do not need a library card to attend!

The Farmington Community Library has two locations.  This event will be held in Conference Room B at the FCL Farmington Hills location at 32737 W 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334.

Registration Preferred

Each month the group meets to discuss literary works which have stood the "test of time" and are generally considered classics of their genre.


January Title: Dracula, by Bram Stoker

The novel Dracula, written in 1897, is a masterpiece of gothic horror.  All of the elements of the genre are employed to tell a fictional story with origins based upon an actual 15th century Romanian warlord who called himself Dracula, meaning "son of the dragon."  Stoker wrote this shortly after the brutal murders of Jack the Ripper had terrorized London and ever since, through print and film, it has been a mainstay of pop culture. 


Copies of the book are available at both the FCL Farmington and FCL Farmington Hills Information Desks.